EMAIL SPEAKER SAIKI Use form belows to urge Speaker Saiki to move HB133 HD1 SD2 through conference committee. (You will receive a copy of the below email) Email Speaker Saiki Conference First name * Last Name * City * Email * Paragraph Aloha Speaker Saiki, I wanted to express my appreciation for your recent statement acknowledging that Kakaʻako Makai needs remediation due to its sitting atop a toxic landfill and requiring significant repairs. You state that the cost for such work could exceed $100 million, and I hope that you will back up your words by releasing the necessary funds for OHA to ensure that the area is safe for public use. As you know, the state transferred this land to OHA to settle a longstanding debt, and they still hold a legal easement to Lot A. This means that they have control over who docks boats and collects the income from that, as well as the responsibility for upkeep and repairs. It is their legal obligation to provide the necessary funds to ensure that the land can be used. Native Hawaiians have demonstrated a great deal of patience with the state despite numerous delays in respecting the rights enshrined in our constitution. Voters expect the state to meet its obligations, and I urge you to prevent any further delays by quickly moving HB133 HD1 SD2 through conference committee. Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter. Mahalo, If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit