EMAIL REP. YAMASHITA Use form belows to urge Rep. Yamashita to move HB133 HD1 SD2 through conference committee. (You will receive a copy of the below email) Email Rep. Yamashita First name * Last Name * City * Email * Paragraph Aloha Chair Yamashita, I am writing to express my disappointment in the Finance Committee's failure to hear OHA's bills for Kakaʻako Makai. These bills aim to address the rights of Native Hawaiians enshrined in our constitution and the legal obligations owed to them. It is concerning that bills of such importance cannot even receive a hearing. As the Chair of the Finance Committee, I respectfully urge you to utilize your authority and ensure that HB133 HD1 SD2 is passed this session in its current form. This bill provides funds for the necessary repairs to the revetments/bulkhead, which are in a state of disrepair due to state neglect. It is worth noting that the condition of disrepair was not disclosed at the time of settlement in 2012. Furthermore, the bill allocates funds for an EIS and the development of Kūkaniloko, which are essential for the Native Hawaiian community. I hope you will support the advancement of this bill through conference committee, and I appreciate any help you can provide. Thank you for your time and consideration. Mahalo, If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit